Common acronyms explained:
EL - English Learners
IB/IB-PYP - International Baccalaureate Primary Years Program. Eakin is an IB/PYP school.
MTSS - Multi-Tiered System of Support.
PBIS - Positive Behavioral Interventions and Supports
PLT - Personal Learning Time. This was called iTime in the past few years. It's an hour a day for every student, as mandated by TN law. This educational segment is tailored depending on a students needs (see MTSS).
SEL - Social Emotional Learning
SOAR - Safe, On task, Act responsibly, Respect others. It's our school behavior slogan.
SSA - Standard School Attire
SSO - School Support Organization. In Eakin's case, it's the Eakin School PTO. This is the general term for pto, pta, booster clubs, etc.