Holidays are near, so is our next PTO meeting. I’m calling a holiday social meeting.
Tuesday December 5, 6-7:30 PM.
PTO board meeting in the Library to start.
Holiday movie in the auditorium for the kids while we adults chat. (Rudolph the Red-nosed Reindeer? Or maybe How the Grinch Stole Christmas and A Charlie Brown Christmas?)
There will be popcorn, lot’s of popcorn. We’ll need to take some turns filling popcorn and keeping the kids in check. We’ll need to pitch in to clean up afterwards. We’re all adults, we can handle it.
Cookie swap: Bring a plate of cookies (store bought is fine!) and leave with some treats for later.
Spirit Night at Pizza Perfect, also December 5. Dine in or take out from 4-7 and 15% goes to the PTO.
Submit questions for the PTO to answer or find answers to at this link:
That’s it, you’re dismissed.
I (Edwin) am almost 6 months in as the Eakin School PTO president. At any paid job, I’d still be in my employment probationary period. I’m still getting the hang of it. Here’s how I’ve come to understand it.
Last I asked, there are 74 employees on payroll at Eakin. Everyone working at Eakin is like a wheel helping support the mission of educating our kids. The train is chugging along.
Me? I’m the 75th wheel. What does a 75th wheel support, where does it go? Does it hang off the side? Maybe in front, no that would screw up the steering. Does it just drag 20 feet behind on a rope? Do we really need a 75th wheel? Isn’t an even number of wheels better? I’m sure I read that somewhere.
In this case, the 75th wheel has the potential collective efforts of all of you. What can you do? I’ve been sizing up lots of spots that need support. And your effort is needed at Eakin. Come to the meeting Tuesday. Bring those kids. Meet other parents and talk. I’ll have signups for many things. There’s a carnival, there’s an auction, there’s a talent show, there’s a musical. If you have an extra hour in the morning, I know 100 things to do for Eakin.
To be honest, I really just want you parents to meet each other. You probably know plenty of parents. I want you to meet more. Communication is the foundation of any community. Our kids know each other. Let’s not be too shy, you know I won’t be.