Any questions? Email Coach Ed: [email protected]
WNSL basketball at Eakin
The West Nashville Sports League is a popular local league that has a strong Eakin contingent. They offer a fall and a winter basketball season. Eakin teams can practice at Eakin in the evening and this is scheduled by consensus by the PTO. This is a parent coached league.
Fall basketball registration is open until Monday, 9/23, at 11:59PM. The season is 6 games which are all on Saturday, beginning 10/26 and ending 12/7 (no game on Thanksgiving weekend).
Winter basketball registration is open until Thursday, 12/5 at 11:59PM. The season is 8 games which are all on Saturday, beginning 1/4 and ending 2/22.
The WNSL offers need based assistance and they follow through. Below is what we know for this year as fas as coaches and player numbers.
Grade | Sex | Fall | Winter |
K | Boys | seeking coach and players | seeking coach and players |
K | Girls | seeking coach and players | seeking coach and players |
1 | Boys | waiting for winter season unless someone wants fall | Coach Montgomery |
1 | Girls | Coach Morrissey - seeking additional players | Coach Morrissey |
2 | Boys | Coach Morrissey | Coach Morrissey |
2 | Girls | Coach Dickson? | Coach Dickson? |
3 | Boys | Coach Scates? | Coach Scates? |
3 | Girls | Coach Strickland - seeking additional players | Coach Strickland |
4 | Boys | (2 teams) Coach Ward, Coach Willmore seeking players | (2 teams) Coach Ward, Coach Willmore |
4 | Girls | Coach Wellman | Coach Wellman |
5 | Boys | Needs coach seeking additional players | Needs coach |
5 | Girls | (2 teams) Coach Karijolich, Coach Willmore some room on team | (2 teams)Coach Karijolich, Coach Willmore |
Any team that has a substantial number of Eakin players can ask for time on Eakin's Hilary Strickland Court. The PTO has reserved the gym on weeknight evenings to prioritize Eakin teams. Scheduling is done cooperatively.
Girls basketball clinic
Saturday girls basketball clinics at Easley Community Center (1000 Edgehill Ave). Please bring your bored daughters to a girls basketball clinic run by Ben Tran, Jorge Wellman, and Edwin Willmore. It's free. It's fun. It's indoors.
Date | Status and time |
September 21 | Yes. 2-4PM |
September 28 | Yes. 2-4PM |
October 5 | Yes. 2-4PM |